Oh, How I hate Deadlines!

I hate deadlines. You can't live with it, neither can you live without it. Imagine a world without deadlines and you could see chaos wreaking in almost every instance. Deadlines help keep the workflow in momentum and order. So what's the deal about it anyway?

I guess I hate it when tight deadlines suffocate. Asphyxiated by the volume of tight deadlines! What's the use of working round the clock at the office, neglecting joys such as family time around the TV, reading a book and enjoying it; playing the guitar in between TV commercial breaks and finally going to bed peacefully? And once you've met the clients requirements, there's bound to be changes that will cause you another night away from home. To meet another deadline. And life goes on...

Should I be subject to work deadlines that dictate the way I live? Or should I just get a job that accomodates my lifestyle? Should we tow the line and succumb to the pressures of the rat-race or should we persist in creating a counter work culture that values the worker's well-being? Of course, there is a fine line between wanting a work culture that isn't overwhelming yet fulfilling, and wanting a way out of hardwork with a freeflow of easy cash. We should be determined to accomplish what we are entrusted to do. HARD WORK IS IMPORTANT!

Deadlines help get things into order. Just don't let it order you!


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