My monthly TOP TEN
I've been blogging in my head a lot. I tend to mentally-compose blog-material when I'm driving. But having only 24 hours daily, I can't find time to jot them online. Nevertheless each day is pregnant with its own story. In summary, I've been dealing with these few things over the weeks:
1. Incessant phone calls about boy-girl-related issues. (ok, ok.. just about three or four. Gosh, I exaggerate!)
2. Impending pimples.
3. Crossroad # 5. 'What-should-I-do-in-life' conundrum.
4. Reflection #32. 'What-have-I-done-in-life' reflection.
5. Irregular sleeping and eating habits which largely affect my TV consumption. (Can you believe I missed last week's episode of the Apperentice because I fell asleep at the wrong time, had dinner at midnight and woke early for work the next day?)
6. Morning sickness. I get sick of the morning especially when I'm awoken abruptly from an incomplete dream. But really, I think I'm a morning person (contrary to pop belief), I'm my sharpest when the natural lights are burning.
7. In Bible study, we're doing Hebrews. That alone says it all. 'Are angels around today?', 'If God was perfect, why did He allow imperfection to emerge in a future He authored?' and the conundrums go on...
8. Meeting lots of broken people... People hurting from broken relationships, people at the brunt of injustices (within holy circles, especially), People not seeing eye to eye, ... just people hurting..
9. Have been trying to pen songs that are meaningful (and saleable!) so that I'd have something to share, enlighten and ... sell to people one day. Lately, I've been listening to a lot of homegrown music that's rich in talent and technique. Some are good but lack in major areas (namely vocals).
10. Have been thinking a lot about my dad who had died five years ago. Really wished he was around to teach me the important things in life. I guess some things are meant to be learnt on your own.
1. Incessant phone calls about boy-girl-related issues. (ok, ok.. just about three or four. Gosh, I exaggerate!)
2. Impending pimples.
3. Crossroad # 5. 'What-should-I-do-in-life' conundrum.
4. Reflection #32. 'What-have-I-done-in-life' reflection.
5. Irregular sleeping and eating habits which largely affect my TV consumption. (Can you believe I missed last week's episode of the Apperentice because I fell asleep at the wrong time, had dinner at midnight and woke early for work the next day?)
6. Morning sickness. I get sick of the morning especially when I'm awoken abruptly from an incomplete dream. But really, I think I'm a morning person (contrary to pop belief), I'm my sharpest when the natural lights are burning.
7. In Bible study, we're doing Hebrews. That alone says it all. 'Are angels around today?', 'If God was perfect, why did He allow imperfection to emerge in a future He authored?' and the conundrums go on...
8. Meeting lots of broken people... People hurting from broken relationships, people at the brunt of injustices (within holy circles, especially), People not seeing eye to eye, ... just people hurting..
9. Have been trying to pen songs that are meaningful (and saleable!) so that I'd have something to share, enlighten and ... sell to people one day. Lately, I've been listening to a lot of homegrown music that's rich in talent and technique. Some are good but lack in major areas (namely vocals).
10. Have been thinking a lot about my dad who had died five years ago. Really wished he was around to teach me the important things in life. I guess some things are meant to be learnt on your own.
I find good resources here for bible study questions