This morning, our pastor spoke about how each of us are wrestling with sin.
That even as followers of Jesus, we still wrestle with the sinful nature that is embedded in us. For those who have trusted Jesus for the forgiveness of their sin, they have freedom from sin's slavery. I'm picturing slavery to sin happening to people who are stuck with issues like pornography, alcoholism, drug abuse, etc. But I think a lot of us are slaves to internal (and deeper) sins like hypocrisy, pride, arrogance, lust for pleasure, lust for materialism, apathy, jealousy, wrong motives, and self-absorption. I know I struggle the same.
Well, the freedom from slavery to sin is replaced by slavery to righteousness when we believe that Jesus has freed us from sin. Meaning, we're free from having to succumb to our sinfulness - like deciding not to tailgate a driver who's defiantly cut our queue at the traffic lights. But we right now succumb to God's leading - the Holy Spirit's prompting and guidance.
One point our pastor made (which literally jolted me) was - if our sins gradually grow more and more as believers - then we've not been converted in the first place. The case here being, that as followers of Jesus (and obedient ones at that), we're weaning of sin as the Holy Spirit makes us newer and newer. So gradually, we should be sinning less and less. However, we sabotage everything when we decide not to follow God.
I had a conversation with Eunice the other day. We talked about how spiritual maturity happens. Unlike human maturity, we don't grow spiritually stronger chronologically. In other words, I can still be a '20 year old' believer, and still be crawling in my understanding of God and relationship with Him. Spiritual maturity on the other hand is qualified by our proximity to God. The closer I am to God, the more I become godly and spiritual. The more my decisions will reflect His standards. The more I am repulsed by sin and its manifestation.
I was jolted because my 'major' sins happened after I decided to follow God. I accepted Christ before I accepted puberty and the sins that followed. But God, who is full of grace has accepted me and given me assurance that when I come back to Him, he will lead. Is still struggle hard, but I know that it's not my effort and strength that matters but His willingness to see me through.
That even as followers of Jesus, we still wrestle with the sinful nature that is embedded in us. For those who have trusted Jesus for the forgiveness of their sin, they have freedom from sin's slavery. I'm picturing slavery to sin happening to people who are stuck with issues like pornography, alcoholism, drug abuse, etc. But I think a lot of us are slaves to internal (and deeper) sins like hypocrisy, pride, arrogance, lust for pleasure, lust for materialism, apathy, jealousy, wrong motives, and self-absorption. I know I struggle the same.
Well, the freedom from slavery to sin is replaced by slavery to righteousness when we believe that Jesus has freed us from sin. Meaning, we're free from having to succumb to our sinfulness - like deciding not to tailgate a driver who's defiantly cut our queue at the traffic lights. But we right now succumb to God's leading - the Holy Spirit's prompting and guidance.
One point our pastor made (which literally jolted me) was - if our sins gradually grow more and more as believers - then we've not been converted in the first place. The case here being, that as followers of Jesus (and obedient ones at that), we're weaning of sin as the Holy Spirit makes us newer and newer. So gradually, we should be sinning less and less. However, we sabotage everything when we decide not to follow God.
I had a conversation with Eunice the other day. We talked about how spiritual maturity happens. Unlike human maturity, we don't grow spiritually stronger chronologically. In other words, I can still be a '20 year old' believer, and still be crawling in my understanding of God and relationship with Him. Spiritual maturity on the other hand is qualified by our proximity to God. The closer I am to God, the more I become godly and spiritual. The more my decisions will reflect His standards. The more I am repulsed by sin and its manifestation.
I was jolted because my 'major' sins happened after I decided to follow God. I accepted Christ before I accepted puberty and the sins that followed. But God, who is full of grace has accepted me and given me assurance that when I come back to Him, he will lead. Is still struggle hard, but I know that it's not my effort and strength that matters but His willingness to see me through.
i once was lost, but now am found, was blind, but now i see...
i once was lost, but now am found, was blind, but now i see...