My year stops at 2008. Beyond that, I have no picture nor vision. No idea of where my life is headed. Eighteen years ago, my mom heard a voice while praying and reading her bible. She believed it was God. And he said Jesus would be coming in 18 years time. 2008 is the eighteenth year.

I wouldn't know if Jesus will be coming this year at all. Because the bible remains cryptic about the timing. And Jesus did say he will come like a thief in the night. But this year still remains a huge possibility. Too many things are happening that point to the world groaning in labour pains.

Earthquakes happening in many areas (Bukit Tinggi, Pahang?), Rumours of wars and wars (war seems to be ubiquitous), climatic changes (global warming), political agitation (on the news, at least four countries are having/had their elections, more than 5 countries dealing with civil wars, more to come), parents against children, vice versa (abuse, murders, etc. on the rise). These are just the labour pangs.

On the other hand, Christ could be just coming for my mom. Which makes this year a bleak year. I've no idea what to expect. I know I shouldn't be preoccupied by the timing of Jesus' next return. Instead, I should be actively participating in the sharing of His Good News. The bible writers encouraged us to live as if He is coming tomorrow.

I hope to let this year be a year of refocusing. Realigning myself to my life goals. To answer my question: "What am I called to do in life?"

Five years ago, I drew up a 5-10 year plan. In the plan, I should be owning a house this year, gotten married and completed a degree. I would've started a business that will keep me alive while I work with children and young people. I would have spent these years building foundations that will anchor me for the next phase of my life. By 30, I should've dealt with character flaws, financial insecurities, and other forms of entanglements.

At 28, I have a business running and am still going strong in my call to work with young people. I'm thinking of forgoing the marriage idea. It will be nice. But am just currently recovering from a lot of emotional hangups. Just planning to dump the whole idea of relationships (maybe just for this year. God will have to guide). I don't own a house. I'm still a diploma holder. But I'm really fine with that. Everything on earth doesn't belong to me. So no real point owning something. I've never stopped learning, so I wouldn't need a degree to assure me that I've achieved education. Getting a degree for a higher paying job doesn't affect me. I run my own business. I invent my career path. God took me the last two years to realise that He alone pays my salary. No one else. Oh and He pays well :)

2007 made me realise how low I can be and go. Just when I thought I was getting myself polished up with 'godly values' and a secure character, God made me realise that I'm a loser. And the only way to win, is to run in step with him. Not at my pace, not on my path. But to move when he moves, where he moves. Surrender.

So I'm going to chill in 2008. And do stuff that really matters for now and eternity. Here I come :)


crazyhorsechief said…
way to go bro :)
Anonymous said…
Mapilei! I totally agree man. Live for eternity. I've really increased in urgency in the last year. Its my goal for 2008 as well. I'll be in Malaysia in a matter of hours. Catch up soon ya?

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