God's Day

It's Sunday again. Church service will be on in half an hour. I've not prepared myself to worship God on 'His' day. I believe everyday is His day. Just that in the last few months, I've not been having my days. And now, I'm a mile away from being motivated to worship. What does 'His' day mean?

Is it a day where He sits back and watch us fumble through our half-baked worship? Of course, not everyone's is as half-baked as mine. Is His day a celebration of His greatness? Hmm.. we should be living days of endless celebration then. Is God's day a day of coming to Him to request forgiveness and mull in regret over our mutated sinful lives? Then we should be wearing uniforms of sackloth and no hair.

I think we make His day, his day. Regardless of how much priority or importance we assign to God, He is still a matter of priority and importance. When we've come to realise that at least one day a week should be devoted to Him, we begin to treat each day with devotion unto Him.

Man, I've got to shower now and find something to wear.


Anonymous said…
Hi,v shld b prepared 2 give our best 2 God but very often v fail.. sometimes v start right but somewhere during worship v stray.. the strangest non godly thots can come to our mind.Keep blogging !
Anonymous said…
Hi,v shld b prepared 2 give our best 2 God but very often v fail.. sometimes v start right but somewhere during worship v stray.. the strangest non godly thots can come to our mind.Keep blogging !

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