Wo Bu Huey Jiang Hua Yi

I'm Indian.

But once in a while, I get mistaken for another race.

"Asss--salamu--alaikuuuuum," I was greeted at a mamak one day by an enthusiastic young Malay chap. He was obviously convinced that we shared the Muslim faith and tried to sell me some Islamic devotionals. What probably gave it away was my 'Nik Aziz goatie'.

"Maaf lah bang, lain kali-lah.." I basically deferred my decision to buy. In future I would. I'd like to know more about Islam. Besides, I'm hoping to learn Arabic one day. Insya'allah.

In the same week, I was asked by a Malay girl in my condo elevator if I was Malay. I should've said yes. And she would have said, "You look Indian". But I said no. And I can't recall what her response was. She must've thought I was Bangladeshi. (Or was just trying to make conversation and couldn't care about my answer).

And one day at the market, while buying ice for my mum's ice kacang stall, a Bangladeshi man/customer stood in my way while I was handling the 2 feet block of ice. Yes, ice. For some reason, he just glared at me, waiting for me to say something. Then he iniated conversation in Urdu (Urdu=Bangla speak. Hmm... could've uttered a Bangladeshi proverb for holding ice...). The Chinese aunty who sold me the ice laughed, "Eii, dia bukan olang bangla-lah!! aiyah.."

On the phone at the office, a lady returned my call. She started off in English and swerved into Cantonese and then dove into Mandarin. Though I could understand bits of it, I had to save myself "Sorry ah, lei sik kong ying man mo?" To which she asked, "Lei, Hokkien ah?"

I said, no. I'm Indian.


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